Thursday, July 30, 2009

"See you're a freak

... you like a ghost."

"that doesn't make me a freak,
that makes me that girl from Casper, but a dude."


are guilty of hypocrisy

Some of adultery

Others lie

And some lose themselves.

but isn't that what growing up is about?

She claims...

to be a lover, not a fighter.

225 miles.

Never seemed so far.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

stroke of luck.

Looking at this picture doesn't remotely cover the
amount of people that showed up, the mess I woke up
too the next morning, or the fact that my parents
never found out.

Friends and luck.

Friends, luck, and more luck.

Introducing; Mine, all mine

Sean Kenny
rocking out
in Downtown Miami.

My sister and I are
their biggest groupies.

The first show after
finding a new singer
to replace
Raul Crespo.
No really, that's his name.

Allen Lopez.
Nothing more needs to be said.

"I am a god opening the heavens"

Occasionally a moment comes along,
where all you can do is breathe and take it as it is.
clap, clap, clap.